Who am I?

Hello! I'm a musician, music producer and songwriter based in Norrköping, Sweden. I play several insruments and enjoy producing music. I'm looking forward to step into the professional music industry and write, share and create music that makes life more enjoyable.

About me:

7 years ago, I started playing the saxophone. I was not really interested in doing that much more, other than practicing and playing the saxophone. A few years later, I started to learn to play piano, bass, guitar and the drums. My interest for music continued and one day I found a musical program on my computer. Ever since 2019, I've been practicing songwriting and learnt to produce music.

In 2021, I decided that it's time to start sharing my music with the world. In early 2021, I created JuliJak on Spotify to share my music. I've released several songs, some of them being: Heatwaves, Spring times and Arms of my love. Now I want to continue by collaborating with labels and singers to create, produce and share my passion with the world.


Email: julijakofficial@julijakofficial.com

Phone: +46 73 580 40 42

Name: Julius Jakonis

If you're looking for a producer, songwriter or a musician, then I'll be happy to help out. Hit me up if you have something to say, I'm currently looking for singers that are interested in collaborating.

Social media and streaming sights:


I have had the opportunity to collaborate with artists such as:
"Hey. Christian. Smile." Together we created a remix of his original song: "I won't go far away".